What makes Transformational Coaching Academy different?
By Mike Begala
There are a lot of coaching and personal development programs out there. What makes Transformational Coaching Academy different?

Answer: A lot!

The transformation starts with you. 

You cannot lead someone to a place you’ve never been.

When you're a student with Transformational Coaching Academy, you’ll put the principles and practices of profound transformation to work in your life first. Your enthusiasm for the positive difference it’s making will give you conviction that your prospects and clients will find irresistible.

They will feel that you’re authentic, that you walk your talk.

You will then design and align your life and business with what is essential for you: your mission, identity, and top life values. You will be clear and congruent on what you stand for, and everyone will sense it.

You will learn a unique Achievement System and use it to accelerate your most critical goals and help your clients do the same.

The principle of it all starts with you is why our students have numerous practice coaching sessions with each other. You practice what you’re learning, and you get to be a client many times over, so you improve your life as you enhance your skills.

If you love personal growth but have found it stymied, this is where you’ll break the plateau as you’ll put into practice little-known but reliable principles of human change.

It’s the complete package.

If you’ve tried other personal development or coaching programs, but they didn’t work like you’d hoped, maybe they didn’t give you the complete package.

Transformational Coaching Academy is everything you need to change the world, one person at a time.

And to run a thriving business as you live your life’s mission.

Three complementary parts make it work:

• Understanding change
• Developing mastery
• Support community of best practices to lift you up and hold you accountable

No other program gives you all this, plus sales and marketing strategies to make your mission sustainable and your business profitable.

You’ll learn to coach your client’s subconscious mind.

Did you know that a person’s body typically responds about a half-second before they respond verbally? Most coaching programs don’t teach you this, so coaches miss out on a tremendous amount of their clients’ communication.

If you only work with your client’s conscious mind, you’re only working with the tip of the iceberg of this person’s ability to change, grow, and produce the results they want.

The subconscious is the warehouse of our emotions, habits, and deep-seated associations. And it speaks a different language – a language of symbols, parts, metaphors, and emotional connections – that is not user-friendly.

Powerfully communicating with the subconscious is the best way to create effective and long-lasting transformation.

That’s why Transformational Coaching Academy teaches you to speak the language of the subconscious. Once you know it, you’ll be able to communicate with yourself and others to positively influence your clients’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors (and those of yourself!) and improve results exponentially.

Call to mastery

So much personal development training emphasizes learning cool, new stuff but doesn’t highlight mastering the fundamentals.

That changes here. Transformational Coaching Academy is about ongoing skill development while learning more advanced approaches.

Think about it, the best at anything always practice the basics. Why should it be any different for coaching and human change work?

In Transformational Coaching Academy, we have regular practice sessions to drill the basics of coaching and sales through roleplay. Our culture of never-ending improvement will push you to new heights of emotional intelligence, empathy, and influence.

You will help your clients shift on the most fundamental levels – Purpose, Identity, and top Life Values.

This program is all about deep-rooted healing and transformation.

You’ll get to the core of what your client is about and build from there. Being aligned with purpose and the best of who they are will magnify your coaching impact, going far beyond what they initially expected from you.

I put my students’ needs first, ahead of the business, ahead of immediate profits.

Some in the personal development industry put the needs of their business ahead of the needs of their students.

For example, many leaders in the personal development space decide what guest speakers to bring on based on who has the largest audience and email list. I will not do that.

I will invite guest speakers based on their expertise and what our students want and need most. Period.

This is the way I will build this business and this program: by putting you first.

An emphasis on empowering your client

Transformational Coaching Academy is not about giving advice or telling clients what to do. It’s about believing in and uplifting human beings. When you coach clients to be at their best, they will know – or will figure out – what to do.

As legendary coach Steve Hardison said, “Coach the person, not their goals.”

The belief that your client is already powerful

People tend to live up to - or down to - the expectations of others. One of the best things you can give anyone is the conviction that they have the resourcefulness to handle their stuff. It’s not about how great you are. It’s the greatness you see in them.

See the best in your clients. And expand it.

A community of peers who have your back and believe in your dreams

Does your family not understand or approve of the personal development work you do and the dreams you have? I’ve been there.

An uplifting community of peers can make all the difference to your self-esteem and success. This is a safe place to be yourself. 

I’m not just teaching a seminar. I’m building a community.

That’s why I require three things in a student:

1. A hunger for learning

2. A heart to serve

3. The fire to immediately put into action what you learn

If you would love to be surrounded by a group of people who get you, who bring you up, who love to geek out on the subtle complexities of the human mind as much as you do, who hold you accountable, and who challenge you to be at your best, you’ve found the right place.

As you can see, this program represents a different philosophy.

Even more than a business, Transformational Coaching Academy is my mission.

If this mission resonates with yours, perhaps there’s a place for you in our community.

Transformational Coaching Academy

Transformational Coaching Academy shows you how to build a $100,000 a year or more coaching business by profoundly transforming the lives of clients you love. 
If you want to align your life, your business, and your mission, then reach out and request a free Transformation Consultation today.
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